Brussels Sprouts Baby Food – Easy to Prepare, Great Nutrition For Your Baby

Give Brussels Sprout Baby Food a Try

Brussells sprouts are probably not the first vegetable that comes to mind when choosing a baby food for your baby. They have a bad reputation.  Most of us remember being forced to eat them as children.  You probably also remember their unique smell as they boil.  I am here to suggest that you give them another try. Brussels sprouts are so full of nutrition and goodness.  A member of the cruciferous family, brussels sprouts are considered a Super Green Veggie, chock full of vitamin C, folate, lutein other goodies that are too good to miss!

Preparing Brussels Sprout Baby Food

Babies eight months old and older are ready for cooked brussels sprout. (raw brussels sprouts are a no-no for baby)  tasty brussels sprouts start with selection.  Pick small sprouts whose leaves are tight, firm, and bright green.  Select the smallest ones you can, they are sweeter and will have a milder flavor.  Pick off any yellow leaves and trim close to the stem.  It is important not to overcook your brussels sprouts as they will become mushy and the flavor will be too strong.  Best to steam them whole for 15 to 20 minutes until the stem end is done…then puree and add to cereal or yogurt or freeze using the food cube method for a later time.

Preparing Brussels Sprout to Freeze for the Family

I found a terrific blog post on blanching brussels sprouts to be frozen and used either in a family recipe immediately or frozen for future use.  MommaToldMeblog describes with some great pictures an easy way to blanch the brussels sprouts, place them in an ice bath so that they do not overcook, and freeze at the height of freshness for future use.

How do you like to prepare your brussels sprouts?